


FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURYは世界に誇るデニムの産地岡山県で生産されるジーンズを中心に、一切の妥協をすることなく、大量生産では真似できない細部まで作り込まれた商品を製作しています。
"FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURY" produces mainly denim garments which are made in the world-wide manufacturing capital for denim - Okayama, Japan. Their uncompromising products are carefully made with such incredible detail that is difficult to obtain by mass production means.The brand name is derived from the literal interpretation of its words.
FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT = having a basic agreement with our customers to provide them with quality product. Our promise.
LUXURY = suggests that our product is a cut above the rest in every which way.

デニムは、 耐久性が高く、 最も長く着用することができる工業製品。 完成したばかりのその生地は濃紺で、 糊の乗った無機質な状態。 しかしそれは、 穿く人の体型や習慣、 共にした出来事によってまるで生き物のよに、 驚くほど多様な変化を見せてくれます。FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURYのデニムは、 今にもそんな物語を語り出しそうな深みのある表情を持っています。 長い時間をかけてあなたの前に辿り着いた一本。 ここからはあなた自身で、 更なる歴史を刻んでください。
The "Dedication" and "Pride" of Japanese masters.Denim jeans have an excellent durability. They are actually industrial products that you can wear for the longest periods of time. When denim is first made, the fabric is navy blue, and gives off an inorganic look, covered with starch. But depending on the shape of the person who wears it, or the way they wear them on a daily basis; it shows astonishingly diverse changes, as if it's a living,
organic material.FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURY denim has a rich expression which tells us these kinds of stories. It’s a denim that finally falls into your hands after a long course of time. From here, you will be the one who gives each of them their own history.

"JAPAN MADE"もちろん品質は折り紙つき
FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURYのデニムは、 生地も、 縫製も、 加工も、 全てジャパンメイド。私たちの目の届く場所で全てが行われます。 熟練の職人が持つ、 様々な知識や経験を製品に落とし込むことで、 大量生産では真似できない細部まで作りこまれたデニムが出来上がります。FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURYでは、 ヴィンテージデニムの仕様をベースに匠の技術で新たな次元に進化させたORIGIN DENIM、 職人の仕立てるテーラーメイドデニムをコンセプトに製作したHERITAGE DENIM、 体のラインを美しく見せるよう設計されたFIGURE DENIMの、 3ラインを中心に展開しています。
"JAPAN MADE" Quality is guaranteed.
FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURY denim is “JAPAN MADE”. This includes the fabric, sewing and manufacturing. The vast knowledge and experience from skilled workmen is put into each product, resulting in detailed special product that you can't achieve through mass production.FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURY denim is launched from 3 line-ups. The first is ORIGIN DENIM, which is based on the specifications of vintage denim, that have evolved into new dimensions by techniques of the artisans. The second is HERITAGE DENIM, which is based on the concept of tailor-made denims prepared by workmen, and the

ユーズド加工は、製品に新たな命を吹き込む重要な工程。 FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURYのデニムは、 気が遠くなるほど多くの工程を経て、 その一本一本が仕上げられます。アンバランスで不自然な表情にならないように、 例えばそれらデニムを穿いていた人の職業や、 場所、 時代など、 コンセプトを設定した上で、 クリエーションが始まります。 施された加工それぞれに理由があるから、 単なるデザインに留まらない、 ヴィンテージデニムのような深みのある表情が出来上がります。 効率性とは無縁の空間で、 試行錯誤を繰り返しながら、 手間隙かけて仕上げられます。
A rich expression of a product that tells a story of how it arrived.
Important processes such as distressing breathe new life into the products. FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT LUXURY denim is each carefully constructed, going through numerous stages of workmanship.To avoid making them in an unnatural style, the creation begins by setting up the concept. This involves predicting such things as the occupation of the person who will wear the denim, the place,and the time. There are theories behind each process, so it's not only about the design, but also about giving a rich expression, as the vintage denim does. They are made by time and effort, and repeating the trial-and-error process which is a "space" far from things like efficiency.
